Carola Richter!

An enormous amount of time, planning, and energy went into organising our tour .
There is someone very special whose effort must be acknowledged and celebrated -
Carola Richter - bass player of SAR Philharmonic Orchestra, and Die LUfoniker , friend, and all round fabulous lady!
Together with her husband, across time zones and often at their own expense, Carola and Jörg put together a packed itinerary - organised booking hotel rooms, coaches, restaurants, concert halls, sightseeing trips, parties, receptions, arranging charities to raise money for, assistance and advice for participants, and of course participated in the rehearsals and performances themselves.
The amount of work that went into this is astounding! I know I'm not alone in thinking a lot about the tour and being very grateful for the experience, and the memories.
Hats off and glasses raised to Carola!
Danke schoen!😻😻